Sunday, April 26, 2020

doesn't look good

There is so much speculation concerning the upcoming 2020 triathlon season.  Every time the question is raised there are soooo many opinions as to what will happen. One thing for sure....

No One Knows For Sure What Is Going To Happen!!!

I'm so sick and tired of not just the speculation but the opinions and comments.

We race primarily DelMo Sports events.  There is no argument that this organization is a top of the pile class act. Steve keeps everyone informed to the best of anyone's ability with the most accurate and precise information available. There is no speculation, no opinion, just straight facts.

I'm on the fence as far as this year goes. Right before the gyms closed I was already throttling back due to problems with my knees. Since we've been on 'lockdown' I've pretty much been a slug. I have no excuse for not getting on my bike on the trainer.

I have a long, long hill to climb. First the rotator cuff tear, surgery and recovery...then the weight gain...then when I finally get back to the gym I experience damage to the head of my tibia and what appears to be some tearing of the meniscus in both knees...then we go into lockdown. I was already having motivation issues but this just plain sucks.

So here's what I want to do, need to do.........

First I need to get the bike set up on the trainer and start riding again. There's no excuse for not putting in lots of hours a week on that.

Next I need to get out and run. I can run in the forest where I won't run into anyone. I have to watch David almost all of the time but with the daylight starting earlier and earlier I could get out at first light.

Then I should start exercising, especially the 'dry land' exercises for swimming that have been posted on  line.

Finally, I need to stop eating like a pig and start eating correctly. That's the easiest thing on the list.

I just need to take that step off of the ledge...again.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

new 2020 timeline...for now

OK...the triathlon season has been thrown for a loop due to the C-virus. For the moment, following is the new schedule of events:

TRI AC - August 1st.
TRI Wildwoods - August 22nd.
Escape The Cape - August 30th.
IronMan AC 70.3 - September 13th.

Four triathlons in six weeks. At least there won't be the need for a wetsuit! I hate swimming in a wetsuit.

Of course nothing is guaranteed.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Here we go again...then wham!

So I went to the ortho to have him look at the problems with my knees. They took x-rays and we looked them over.

In general, both knees are in pretty good shape...not a lot of wear. There is a little bit of arthritis starting to show up but nothing extreme.

The left knee is a continuation of the trouble with the meniscus. We're going to keep an eye on that.
The right knee is a different story. Apparently the issue is with the bone on the top of the tibia. There is evidence of micro stress fractures and stress tenderness in the bone.

So here's the plan. First, two weeks of no running. I can bike and swim but no running. Next I can start using the elliptical, but no more than a mile. This goes on for the next two weeks.

At this point I go back to the ortho. If everything looks good I may be able to start light running again.

screech.........CoronoVirus hits the streets

The plan sounded good. I had a path to re-recovery then advancement. Then the virus hit. The gym was closed so I lost use of the pool and non-impact trainers. I still have my bike but still haven't found the time to get it going again on the trainer.

Again my balloon is deflated and I lost my drive. So now the challenge is to get back on the horse and start training again.The first triathlon on the calendar is Escape The Cape in June. Right now there is a chance it will be cancelled and possibly re-scheduled. The big event on the calendar is the 70.3 IronMan in September. That one should still take place.

So the plan and goals...
    Swim - find 'dry land' exercises and come up with a workout. When the weather (and isolation)              breaks find an open water venue to swim in a wetsuit.

    Bike - get the bike going on the trainer and get to it. Once I'm broken in get back out on the road.

    Run - start light running and ramp it up.

I will get that IronMan 70.3 tattoo!