Thursday, February 13, 2020


OMG I suck at swimming. I had my first coaching session in the pool with Coach Madi this week.

Turns out that my technique isn't that horrible. It's not great but it's not horrible. Unfortunately I have many, many years of swimming with SCUBA gear to undo. It differs greatly from swimming lengths in a pool. With a few adjustments I was able to improve in a few lengths but I will really need to concentrate and visualize constantly to get it right.

The main problem is endurance. I am sooooo out of shape in the water. I feel like I just can't catch my breath. I'm hoping with lots and lots of swimming and running and biking that my wind will come back.

The one thing I have going for me is that I have absolutely no anxiety or stress when it comes to being in the water. Apparently this is an issue with alot of triathletes...especially in the ocean. The ocean was my office...I'm at home there.

First rule of triathlon swimming...DON'T DROWN!

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