Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Just the beginning...

Today I competed in my first 70.3 IronMan triathlon. I was a DNF in the swim because I did not make my cutoff time by about 10 minutes. I made it around the last marker, headed for the finish but ran out of time...then they pulled me into the boat. I never stopped or rested. I just didn’t have enough ‘Go’ to finish in time. No excuses; the shoulder feels great, I wasn’t out of breath, the cramp in my calf didn’t matter. I just didn’t go fast enough.

This only serves to signal a new beginning in the sport of triathlon for me. First, I don’t like failing or losing. Especially the failing part.  It’s a shitty feeling. Especially when they pulled me into the boat. Second, I don’t like disappointing people. A bunch of people helped me get to this point; some coaching me, some encouraging me and some giving things up for me. Lastly, I wanted to complete an IronMan. The last one is a bit selfish but I really wanted to cross that finish line and hear my name. I also guess I still need to prove to myself that I’m still a cut above in some ways...USMC, scuba instructor...IronMan would sound good here.
So at this point, rather than being discouraged, I am committing myself to start a new plan of action...train smarter, train harder, train with a goal...IronMan 2019. Not just to complete this time, but to compete. No more “all I want to do is make the cut off times”. They’ll be no excuses.

For triathlon training there are five pieces to the pie; swimming, biking, running, core strength and nutrition. Prior to this I did some here, some there without any plan or structure. That won’t work for me to achieve my goal. 
Swimming - I need to have my stroke analyzed and have a training plan. I can swim but I don’t have any stamina and I don’t think my stroke is powerful or efficient enough. I need to cover 1.2 miles in about 45 minutes!
Running - I need to run. My running has improved recently but I need to have a regular schedule, and I need to track my progress. I need to have a pace of no less than 6 mph.
Biking - I need to make sure I have a good ‘fit’. The bike is a great machine (maybe a better saddle) but I’m not sure everything is adjusted for me. Then I have to ride. I need to be able to cover 56 miles at a good pace, ~ 18 mph+. 
Core Strength - I definitely need a program of regular exercise to strengthen the whole body to properly support the muscles needed for each previous parts.

Nutrition - I need to get my weight down to 170 or maybe less but at least 170. That will require not only exercise but also a change in diet. Primarily I need to cut out the junk. I snack on crap all of the time and without moderation. I need to eat sensibly and in moderation. Because triathlon training requires long periods of exertion, nutrition has to be included in the workouts. Water and Gatorade aren’t enough. 

So, the next time I enter a triathlon things will be different...very different. I will be more prepared and more competitive. Maybe even podium bound!

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