Thursday, January 23, 2020

Finally back at it!'s mid-January and I've begun the slow climb back up that hill. It was tough stepping off of the edge but I'm into it now. I'm starting slower that I wanted to but I've started.

1.  my repaired shoulder hurts periodically, just enough to cause me concern.
2.  my other shoulder hurts off and on from the arthritis in there.
3.  the ACL in my left knee is acting up with intermittent sharp pain. Not good!!!
4.  the ACL in my right knee is sending me signals.
Everything else just hurts and aches because I'm old and fat.

I've had my first session with a tri coach. She was great. She gave me a bunch of 'warm up' exercises. For every one she told me what it was for, what it affected and when it was used. Too bad my memory can't quite remember them. I have another session with her next week then a swim session two weeks after that.

I suck. I don't think my form is too bad but I can't get any air and I have no endurance. I have a coaching session in a few weeks in the pool. Let's hope the coach can shake a few things loose.

What's that?

Ah the run. That is the most promising. The coach said I had excellent form, probably due to muscle memory from when I ran in the USMC. I just have to dig in and improve and push.

I really, really, really need to lose weight and eat much better. I have to get the nutrition part down now so I'm fueling the engine for maximum output.

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