Monday, November 4, 2019

Re-boot...2019...DFB v2.0

2019 was a bust for me!

Although rotator cuff injuries are not uncommon, I apparently had issues. Many injuries are a matter of degree...some are minor tears and then there are major separations. When the tendons and muscles tear and separate there is no mechanism in the body to pull the them back down to be re-attached, and heal...sooooo, the doctor had to go in, pull the tendon down and anchor the tendon back into place so that it could grow back.

So now it's mid-fall.  I'm allowed to start moving again. I've been given the clearance to move forward, letting the feedback from my shoulder, and common sense, be my guide. Even though I have regained full range of motion I have a long way to go regaining strength. I can move my arm completely on its own but any additional effort can still cause pain and discomfort.

So here's the plan:

Shoulder Muscles
I'm just now starting to use weights for my shoulder. I'm starting a series of rotator cuff exercises designed to strengthen and stabilize the rotator cuff muscles. This will allow continued healing and prevent any re-injury.

I need to almost 'retrain' my leg muscles as to what running is. I haven't done much more than walk since the Spring. I will begin by jogging about every other day. Lots of stretching and maybe a few little short sprints along the way. My goal is to be able to maintain a good pace for about 3 miles.

Bicycle, Phase 1 - I also need to retrain my legs for riding a bike. I will begin by just riding around the neighborhood on my 'trail' bike.
Bicycle, Phase 2 - Once my legs are warmed up to cycling I will move to my tri-bike on the indoor trainer. I will start longer sessions pedaling,
Bicycle, Phase 3 - Once I'm cleared for the bike I will move outdoors and start longer rides on the road. First rides will be just to get back into riding, getting in and out of my aero bars.

This is my weak point. I never, never stop...but I'm not fast enough. Years and years of SCUBA diving, using fins, has me swimming very badly. I also don't know how to swim in a wetsuit without fins. I'm going to change gyms and start with the basics. After I get to some level of normal swimming I'm going to hire a swim analysis coach to get some targeted training advice.

My Ultimate Goal...IronMan 70.3 late summer / early fall 2020!

I really wanted this year to be the year in Old Orchard Beach. It would have been quite rewarding to complete this one since the water conditions were very rough (where I'm most at home), the bike course was fairly hilly as was the running course. Being there, watching all of the athletes riding and running by really affected me. I was so proud to be there to support Chris and see him complete this race, his toughest one yet. Watching the athletes cross the finish, knowing that for some it took everything they had, really hit me hard.

As crappy or selfish as this may sound, I want to surpass Chris in the run...and possibly on the bike. I'll never catch him in the water.

I realize I will have to work harder than I ever have and train with focus, discipline, and tenaciousness. For the most part, I am in this on my own. I have people around me that I know want me to succeed in this but I don't have anyone 'pushing' me. There are no 'how's training going?' or 'I know you can do this' pep talks or 'you got this' send-offs. I need to seek out training and racing advice on my own and apply what I can.

At this point in time I have already signed up for the Escape The Cape Triathlon in June 2020 and for the AC Half-Ironman in September of 2020. So I'm already past the point of no return.  I didn't come this far to stop now.

There is no doubt in my mind that I can do this...and do it big. I used to say that I'm in it to complete, not to compete. A secret I'm going to keep to myself...not anymore! Like Chris said near the end of my first half-marathon.."get into my Marine frame of mine, put my head down, push on and keep going...stopping is not an option".

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